In our lives, we occasionally witness technologies coming along that kills existing industries and give birth to new ones.
I remember that before there were computers there was the typewriter. One typewriter company that I can recall is Olivetti. But of course there were many others. The typewriter required considerable effort. You really have to push the keys very hard so that the keybars would strike the ribbon properly and the ink would transfer to the paper. And then every time you press a key the carriage would move. So that when it reaches the end you have to reach out and swing it all the way back.
There was an industry built around correcting typing mistakes - the Liquid Paper. It is a white fluid that you apply to your typing error. You wait for it to dry out and then you retype on the letter that you have just erased. And of course another industry that relies on the typewriter is the ribbon industry. It is the part of the typewriter that holds the ink.
Then the computer and word processing software came along making the typewriter irrelevant. Reference:
I remember that before there were computers there was the typewriter. One typewriter company that I can recall is Olivetti. But of course there were many others. The typewriter required considerable effort. You really have to push the keys very hard so that the keybars would strike the ribbon properly and the ink would transfer to the paper. And then every time you press a key the carriage would move. So that when it reaches the end you have to reach out and swing it all the way back.
There was an industry built around correcting typing mistakes - the Liquid Paper. It is a white fluid that you apply to your typing error. You wait for it to dry out and then you retype on the letter that you have just erased. And of course another industry that relies on the typewriter is the ribbon industry. It is the part of the typewriter that holds the ink.
Then the computer and word processing software came along making the typewriter irrelevant. Reference: