I usually have no problem dealing with trojans and malwares but this one proved to be the hardest one yet. Because it operates in ways we don't expect. Usually trojans operate within your PC but what if the exploit is hosted somewhere else on the web. Woah! This took a week. Thanks to the people who commented on this blog. I could not figure out this solution without all of you who bounced your ideas here. Anyway, lets get rid of it . 1. In the Windows menu go to Start>Run 2. Type cmd 3. This will fire up the command window 4. Type ipconfig /all 5. This will display the actual configuration of your LAN card. Pay particular attention to the DNS entry. In my PC I got three entries: Two of these entries are not correctly formed while is the DNS address of the exploiter. A proper DNS entry given by your ISP should look something like - 6. Type ipconfig /release 7. Then ty...